of intermediating services for the provision of hunting tours/stays
of Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o.

A) Common Provisions

  1. Hunt in Slovakia  s.r.o., with its registered office at A. Kmeťa 898/32 934 05 Levice,  Trade ID: 50 325 221, registration: Business Register of the District Court Nitra, section: Ltd., Insert No 40811/N (hereinafter referred to as “RS”) as a travel agency operator, issues these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTC”), which regulate the rights and obligations in the contractual relationships arising from the provision of services to the third-party natural or legal persons (“Clients”).
  2. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., is a direct intermediary of hunting tours and stays.
  3. GTC are part of every contract concluded between Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. and the Client and determine part of its content, while deviating provisions in the contract take precedence over GTC.
  4. Modifications to any written contract can also be agreed only in writing.
  5. By signing a binding application according to GTC, or by concluding a special contract on intermediating services (hereinafter referred to as “special contract” or “contract”) with Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., the Client agrees that the rights and obligations of the Client and Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., were governed by GTC valid on the relevant date of the Client's binding application, or the conclusion of a special contract on the intermediating services to ensure a stay.
  6. The valid text of GTC is published on
  7. The mutual and legal relationship between Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. and the Client is governed by the legal order of the Slovak Republic, the provisions of Act No. 40/1964 Coll. The Civil Code as amended, regardless of the provisions regarding conflict of laws.
  8. Any dispute or claim arising from or in connection with the relationship between Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. and the Client will be resolved by the general courts of the Slovak Republic. The Client is entitled to contact the Slovak Trade Inspection ( or the Department of Consumer Protection of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic ( in case of doubts regarding the observance of their legal rights.
  9. The communication between the Client and Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. takes place in English and Slovak, unless agreed otherwise.
  10. The Client acknowledges that Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is the organiser of the hunting tour and stay. The organiser, Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., reserves the right to require the Client to provide proof of comprehensive travel insurance, including cancellation fee insurance, before starting a hunting tour and stay. For this purpose, the Client undertakes to inform Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., no later than 3 working days after the conclusion of the contract, that the Client has taken out travel insurance for the stay, including insurance for cancellation fees. In the event that the Client has not fulfilled this obligation in accordance with the previous sentence, Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is entitled to withdraw from the contract in its entirety. The Client can ask Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. to arrange travel insurance for the stay, including insurance for cancellation fees.
  11. These GTC do not apply to:
    • Relations between the Client and the insurance company, even in the case of arranging insurance through RS. The Client is obliged to familiarise themselves with the insurance contract, including the general insurance terms and conditions, and, if necessary, contact the insurance company directly.
    • The rights and obligations between the Client and the carrier when carrying out the air transport of persons, which is mediated for the Client by Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., nor for the provision of services by the carrier related to air transport. The mentioned relations are governed by the conditions of the given carrier.
    • The rights and obligations between the Client and the provider (organiser), the provider of accommodation and other individual tourism services, which are mediated for the Client by Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., . The mentioned relationships are governed by the conditions of the given provider.

B) Contractual Relationship – Stay Order

  1. The parties to the contractual relationship are Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. and the Client capable of legal acts / a natural person over the age of 18 and a legal entity /.
  2. If the Client is interested in one of the hunting tours and stays intermediated by Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., the Client sends a completed and signed binding application form to Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. by e-mail to the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by post to the address A. Kmeťa 898/32 934 05 Levice, with each delivery to be considered equivalent.
  3. The Client is responsible for the factual and formal correctness of the data specified in the binding application, in particular for the correct entry of their personal data, dates and other conditions important for ensuring the stay and other related services required from Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is not responsible for any damages caused as a result of incorrect data provided by the Client. When entering an application, the Client is obliged to indicate all requirements for ensuring the stay and related services, especially the approximate date of stay, type of accommodation, type of transport, or insurance.
  4. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. will check the Client's binding application upon its delivery. In the event that the Client's binding application does not contain obvious inaccuracies, Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. will confirm the Client's binding application and issue an advance invoice for the stay in the amount of 20-100% of the price of the stay with a maturity of 14 days to the Client's expense and will send a confirmation of acceptance of the binding the Client's application form together with the advance invoice for the Client's stay:
    • by post office delivery to the Client's address stated in the Client's binding application or
    • by e-mail to the Client's address specified in the Client's binding application or,
    • personally to the Client's address stated in the Client's binding application

    while each of the deliveries is considered equivalent.
  5. By paying the advance invoice for the stay issued by Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., at the expense of the Client, the contractual relationship is concluded between Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. and the Client.
  6. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. reserves the right to refuse to provide services for securing a stay if the Client's binding application contains incorrect, contradictory or incomplete Client data. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is further entitled to reject the Client or to withdraw from the concluded special contract, if the Client repeatedly provides Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. with incomplete or incorrect data necessary for the intermediation of services to ensure the stay or does not pay the advance invoice or the invoice for partial or the total price of the stay or the agreed service connected with the stay, or even additionally, Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. does not deliver the signed documents necessary to properly secure the stay. This does not affect the claim for damages of Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o..
  7. By concluding the contract, Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. undertakes to intermediate services for the Client to ensure the stay specified in the contract, subject to the fulfilment of other conditions specified herein, and the Client undertakes to pay Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. the agreed price of the stay, including the price of other additional services /especially the air transportation, insurance/. The obligation of the Travel Agency to reserve a stay for the Client in accordance with the contract is effective only at the moment of payment of 20-100% of the total price of the stay, including additional services associated with it.
  8. By concluding the contract, the Client confirms that the Client has familiarised themselves with all the information related to the stay, which was provided to the Client by Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., or which is available on Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. website, and the materials of Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., regarding the stay.
  9. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is obliged to reserve the selected stay for the Client within seven working days from the payment of the price of the stay or the deposit in accordance with Article D item 2 or item 6 of these General Terms and Conditions. If the period between the conclusion of the contract and the start of the stay is shorter than 15 days, the Travel Agency is obliged to make this reservation without unnecessary delay after payment of 100% of the price for the stay by the Client in favour of Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o.
  10. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. informs the Client:
    • at the Client's request regarding the course of securing the stay/tour, always within the period necessary to find out the required information;
    • in case of confirmation of the reservation of a hunting stay/tour by the organiser of such a stay without unnecessary delay;
    • in case of non-confirmation of the reservation of a hunting stay/tour by the organiser of such a stay without undue delay, but no later than seven days before the planned start of the stay.
    In such a case, Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. will offer the Client an alternative date of stay. If the Client does not agree with the proposed alternative, he has the right to withdraw from the contract. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is then obliged to return the already paid part of the price of the stay to the Client.
  11. In the case of confirmation of the reservation by the stay organiser, Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is obliged to deliver to the Client the documents necessary for the start of the stay before this planned start.

C) Rights and Obligations of the Parties

  1. Before starting the stay, the Client is obliged in particular to:
    • check the validity of the travel document and check the conditions of entry to all destination and transit destinations, in particular entry formalities and possible visa requirements, well in advance of the planned start of the stay. The Client acknowledges that Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is not responsible for any damage caused as a result of the Client's refusal to enter the country of destination or transit destination or refusal of clearance for transportation to such a destination.
    • secure the necessary residence and transit visas.
    • ensure that he meets the health or other requirements necessary for the tour or stay in all destination and transit destinations,
  2. After starting the stay, the Client is obliged in particular to:
    • follow the instructions of the stay organiser,
    • during the stay, behave in such a way as not to violate the generally binding legal regulations of the given country, the rules of the program established by the organiser, not to interfere unjustifiably or without reason with the rights of other participants of the stay, and not to damage the good name of Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o..
  3. The Client acknowledges that in the event that the specific stay chosen by the Client is not fulfilled, the stay organiser can change the type of stay to an adequate compensation. If the Client is provided with adequate compensation for the stay, the Client is not entitled to withdraw from the contract, refund the price of the stay or part of it
  4. The Clientis entitled to cancel the stay by unilateral legal action against the organiser / provider / of the stay only under the conditions given by the general terms and conditions of the particular organiser. The conditions of the Client's obligation to pay contractual fines/cancellation fees/ associated with the cancellation of the stay are governed by the general terms and conditions of the particular organiser. The amount of contractual fines /cancellation fees/ associated with the cancellation of additional services /especially air ticket, travel insurance, transfer abroad/ are governed by the general terms and conditions of the provider of a specific additional service. The Client is entitled to return the paid advance in full, except for the fees associated with the bank transfer.
    Fees for bank transfers are fully borne by the Client.
  5. In the event that, in accordance with Article C item 4, the Client unilaterally cancels the stay against the organiser of the stay in accordance with its general terms and conditions, the Client is obliged to notify Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. of this fact, and at the same time, Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., to provide written evidence of this cancellation. The Clientis entitled to ask Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. to cancel the stay, if the general terms and conditions of the organiser allow it
  6. If the Client cancels the stay after paying the deposit, the Client loses the full amount of the paid deposit. However, the Client has the opportunity to request a postponement of the stay to another date, while part of the paid deposit may be lost, it depends on the specific situation and the time of cancellation or postponement of the stay, and on other essential circumstances of the stay, which remains until the planned stay is completed on the original date.
  7. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is entitled to a remuneration for providing accommodation for the Client, the amount of which is determined by a separate contract
  8. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is obliged to be the for the Client, or to the participant of the stay, available on the phone during the standard working hours of Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., to solve problems that arise during the stay.
    During each stay, an event guarantor is present with the Client, who is available to solve problems 24 hours a day.

D) Payment Terms and Conditions - Payment

  1. The prices of stays are determined by agreement between Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. and the Client, while the prices depend on the facts announced by Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o.. The prices of stays are listed on the website.
  2. The Client is obliged to pay the payment indicated on the invoice within 14 days after receiving the advance invoice issued to the Client.
    • Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is entitled to increase the price of the stay in case of the following changes: increased prices of fuel or other energy sources, the amount of taxes or various local, local and other fees or changes in exchange rates. In the case of the above-mentioned facts, Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is obliged to send the Client a notification with the described fact. If the increase in the price of the stay exceeds 10% of the total price of the stay, Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is entitled to propose a change of stay to the Client or the Client can withdraw from the contract and Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is obliged to return the financial payment to the Client in full.
    • The deposit must be paid when ordering the stay, the rest of the amount for the stay will be paid by the Client by bank transfer based on the issued invoice or a proportional part in cash on the day of the end of the stay based on the issued invoice. If the Client does not have cash or internet banking, he is obliged to pay the amount due by bank transfer no later than 3 working days after the end of the stay.
  3. The Payment for the stay must be made on the basis of the invoice issued by Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., at the expense of the Client, and the Client undertakes to pay the invoices by bank transfer or in cash to the account of Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o.:
    Name of the Bank: Slovenská sporiteľna, a.s.,
    Bank Account: SLSP a.s.
    IBAN: SK 40 0900 0000 0051 1554 5804
  4. In the case of countries where the currency is other than the Euro, the billing invoice will be converted at the current exchange rate on the day it is issued. After the due date, Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. can adjust the price according to the current exchange rate for countries that are not members of the monetary union, the so-called eurozone.
  5. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. may charge a fee of EUR 50 for any additional changes in the binding application, already after the program has been confirmed by the organiser. Each Client is responsible for the validity of their passport, ID card, entry visa and other documents required in that country. The validity of the passport must be longer than 6 months after returning back to Slovakia.
  6. In the event that the Client is in arrears with the payment of the price of the stay or additional services connected with it, Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is entitled to demand legal interest from the Client for the delay. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is entitled to set off its claim for the payment of legal interest due to delay against the Client's possible claims against Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o..
  7. If the Client does not participate in the stay and does not notify Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. in writing, the Client is obliged to pay the price of the stay in full.
  8. The Client is not entitled to a refund of the price of the stay or its part, or for any discount from the price of the stay, if he did not use all the services and services that are part of the total price of the stay.
  9. In case of unexpected events that cannot be prevented by both Parties, so-called force majeure (pandemic situation in the world, African swine fever, war conflict, etc.), Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is entitled to cancel the stay/tour, while the company is not obliged to compensate the Client for any damages incurred when ordering the stay.
  10. In the case of a group order for a tour/stay, if the Client orders a stay/tour for several people and acts as the person ordering the group stay, he/she is fully responsible for the payment of the stay and also the persons mentioned in the tour/stay contract are obliged to observe all rights and obligations travel agency.
  11. The program of the stay/tour is described in the current offer or program of the company Hunt in Slovakia, which the Client received during communication with one of the employees of Hunt in Slovakia, even before signing the contract.
  12. When signing the stay/tour contract, the Client expressly declares that the Client is aware that, taking into account the nature of the stay/tour (hunting,...), this stay is a specific product that, in the event of any unforeseeable circumstances or unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances of force majeure, requires the expenditure of additional expenses and costs borne by the Client. This is mainly, but not exclusively, the payment of the price of the flight tickets in order to preserve the further course of the stay or return home in the event that it is in connection with an unavoidable and extraordinary circumstance (e.g. war, terrorist attack, uprising, strikes, earthquake, other natural disasters, spread of infectious disease, decision of state authorities, representative offices, e.g. in connection with granting or by not granting visas, etc., or other threats to the safety, health or life of the Client) or if the originally planned route of stay is impassable.

F) Flight tickets

  1. Flight tickets are part of the offered services.

G) Travel Insurance during the Stay

  1. All Clients are required to have travel insurance, which includes minimum health care insurance and personal liability insurance. If they are interested, they can get insurance through the financial intermediary Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o.

H) Withdrawal after Starting the Stay

  1. If the Client plans or ends the stay earlier than originally planned, the Client is obliged to inform Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. about this fact.

I) Changes after Starting the Stay

  1. The Client is obliged to inform Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. in writing no later than 7 days after the end of the stay, and to ask for help and correction, in the case of detection of any deficiencies that are within the competence of Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., which he discovers during the stay. The complaint must be submitted in writing to Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. no later than 30 days after the end of the stay,

J) Return Policy

  1. The complaints procedure serves the correct procedure of exercising the Client's rights in handling the correctness and quality of services.
  2. The Clientis entitled to file a complaint if the Client discovers deficiencies in the quality or scope of the services provided.
  3. The Client is obliged to immediately notify the detected deficiencies directly at the destination and request their removal.
  4. If it is not possible to resolve the complaint immediately at the destination, the Client is obliged to inform the intermediary or the organiser Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. in writing about the situation without undue delay.
  5. Complaints after the end of the stay must be delivered in writing to Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. no later than 7 days after the end of the stay.
  6. The intermediary Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is obliged to process the claim within 30 days of its delivery.
  7. Deliberately unused services are not subject to complaints and it is not possible to demand financial compensation for them.
  8. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is not liable for damages incurred during transport, changes in travel schedules and delays caused by traffic problems, further for losses, faulty travel documents and visas, as well as for force majeure.
  9. A Client who during the program (including the trip) violates the laws and regulations of the Slovak Republic and the states in whose territory he is located will be excluded from the program without the right to compensation for services.
  10. The Client, whose behaviour violates the generally accepted rules of stay, accommodation, catering and ethical standards of the countries where he is staying, will be excluded from the program without compensation for services.
  11. In the event that the Client is expelled from the country of residence, the Client will be banned from staying in this country, the Client is not entitled to a refund of the price of the stay or part of it, including the price of other additional services.

K) Photographic and VideoRecords

  1. The Client agrees that Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., for the purpose of promoting products and services, can use photography, video or sound material that was created during the stay, to which the Client gives consent by concluding the contract. The Client can revoke the consent according to the previous sentence at any time by notifying Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. in writing.

L) Personal Data Processing and Instruction

  1. The processing of personal data and instruction is governed by Annex no. 1 to these General Terms and Conditions, which forms an integral part thereof.

M) Rules of Client´sConduct

  1. The Client agrees to comply with the rules of conduct and other principles.
  2. Conduct includes but is not limited to illegal activity or conduct.
  3. A Client who violates these rules of conduct will be excluded from the stay or their stay will be suspended without the right to a refund.

N) Special Provisions

  1. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. reserves the right to adjust the price of the stay affected by the services of carriers, insurance companies, changes in exchange rates and changes in tax laws.
  2. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. reserves the right to change the address of the accommodation in case of unforeseen circumstances before starting the stay.
  3. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., as the organiser, is not responsible for changes made by the provider/organiser in order to improve services.
  4. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. has the right to make additional changes (with the Client's consent) in case of errors due to presentation in electronic media.
  5. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. informs the Client that some photos in the presentations and brochures of Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. may be illustrative.
  6. The Client has a direct relationship with insurance companies and carriers. Accommodation in hotels is provided directly by Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is ready to help the Client in case of problems with accommodation in collaboration, while not being responsible for possible changes on the part of the providers.
  7. The price offers of the company Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. are in any form until the moment of conclusion of the contract, or arrangements of all contractual conditions, non-binding and may be changed at any time or otherwise supplemented

O) Responsibility and Force Majeure

  1. Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o. is not responsible for any loss, damage, inconvenience, delay in performance or non-performance in connection with the provision of any goods or services due to causes beyond the reasonable control of Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., including but not limited to: fire; natural disaster; failure of suppliers or subcontractors; labour disputes or civil unrest; terrorist activities of any kind; emergency situation in the field of public health; any negligent or intentional action of the cause beyond the direct control of Hunt in Slovakia s.r.o., .
    These terms do not affect your rights as defined by the consumer protection laws of your home country.
Tomáš Melich

Dear hunters,

From my experience,
I know that true hunters come to hunt for adventure.

The trophy on the wall is just the tip of the iceberg in the sea, underneath which hide memories, adventures, and an unforgettable story.

Tomáš Melich

CEO / executive manager

Slovakia - heart of Europe

Northern part of the Carpathian mountains

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