Red Deer (Cervus elephaus)
(male – red stag) | 1. August – 28. February |
(female) | 1. August – 31. December |
(calf) | 1. August – 28. February |
Best hunting time: Spetember (rut time)
Exception of hunt: (calves & 1 y.o. females) throughout the year

The Red Deer lives in the entire territory of our country. It favours broad-leaved and mixed forests also meadows. Nowadays the number of red deer in Slovakia is estimated to be around 100,000. In our territory we register two kinds of red deers. On the east side of Slovakia, we have the Carpathian red deer and on the west side of Slovakia lives the Middle-European red deer. In central Slovakia we often have crossbreeds of these two individuals. The length of the Carpathian red deer’s body can reach up to 2-2.5 meters and the wither height of it goes up to 150 cm’s. Its weight can vary from 200 to 250 kg’s. On the other hand, the Middle-European deers weight varies from 140 to 200 kg. The females are approx. one third smaller than the stag.
Rut time:
The hunt in this period is accompanied by beautiful experiences, by which the hunters themselves get the goose bumps. In August Red stags start finding their usual mating places to which they are used to every year. Sometimes they move like that couple of kilometres. The mating starts approximately in the first half of September and lasts for about 4 weeks. The herd of the hinds is led by a fully grown stag and it tries to keep the entire herd together. If any of the hinds move away from the herd the fully grown stag gets her back with repeated strikes by his antlers and also protects the entire herd from any approaching rivals. During the changing of the location of the herd, the herd is led by an old experienced hind and the stag always walks at the end, behind the herd. At this time the stag resounds with deep jugular lowing, which are usually the most intense during cold nights. Experienced hunters know by the lowing of the stag if it is a seeking stag, if it is a main stag that leads the herd, if it is chasing a mating hind, if it calls out a rival for fight or if it just simply rests. Mating season is just simply the most beautiful period in the year of the hunter.