Mouflon hunting is one of the most difficult hunts in Slovakia, as the excellent eyes of mouflons can make it difficult for hunters to get close to them, but even so, our success rate in hunting is almost 100%. Mouflon hunting begins in the morning and hunt continue especially during the day, when the rams are heated on the rocks and the hunt takes place in a walk & stalk style. Most rams can be seen during the mating season (end of October - November) but also perfect time for mouflon hunting is January and February. Then RAMS have most beautiful skin - most suitable for cape preparation. We have our own preparator (30 years of experience) with wonderful job. After 2-3 months, the hunters have a finished trophy at home and can place it directly on the wall. It is also possible to hunt rams from highseats, especially in the morning and afternoon, when they go to graze on grasslands - this option is especially suitable for hunters with low physical condition. We hunt RAMS at about 20,000 Ha in hilly hunting places where the mouflon population is very strong.